What: United Alpine Men’s Breakfast & Cornhole Competition.
When & Where: Saturday, April, 5th from 9am - Noon @ Alpine Church in Riverdale.
How Much: FREE - Includes breakfast and cornhole competition entry. FYI - For those who wish to help with the cost of this event, raffle tickets will be sold for a chance at a few cool prizes so bring some cash!
Who may Participate: Males age 18 and older.
Join us along with those you have invited for some food, fellowship and a friendly corn hole competition hosted by our Alpine Church Men’s Ministry Teams! NO SKILLS REQUIRED. Can you toss a bean bag??? Can you eat a breakfast burrito??? Then you are qualified!!! Participants will be divided into two-man teams via blind draw before the competition begins! If you are not able to participate in the competition, don’t let that stop you, attend for the food, fellowship, and to cheer on our bean bag tossing “athletes”!